Loon Lake Homeowners’ Association – Ice Out Newsletter: Spring 2008

Please save these dates:

Annual Meeting: July 13th

Annual Picnic: August 3rd

Greetings from the Lake!

Well, it was a long, hard winter. Three weeks ago, we were snowshoeing through the woods, and there was still 4 feet of snow in front of the house. Our garbage can out on Route 26 was still hopelessly buried somewhere in a snowbank. Route 26 was still a series of dangerous ice ruts (this Winter, the road was the worst it has been, in recent memory).

Now, the daffodils are in bloom and the trillium is starting to come up. The ice is out and there are already a couple of boats tied to docks or swinging on moorings. The water temperature is still around 44 degrees, but it is rising. There is at least one pair of Loons on the lake. The snow is gone, but be careful on Route 26; it is covered in loose sand.

Last year our membership grew and grew. We have approximately 80 members. Our goal this year is to make that 80 "active" members.

Stuart Lucks is continuing his fine work monitoring the water quality of the lake, in conjunction with Paul Smith’s College and the Residents’ Committee to Protect the Adirondacks. This year we will do something different. Rather than test the Northern portion of the lake six times over the summer season, Stuart will sample both ends of the lake 3 times.

We have several new activities lined up this year. If we can get it organized, we hope to have a fishing contest (catch and release, of course) in June, probably the weekend Bass season opens. Stay tuned.

We also hope to have a kayak race in July. As discussed at last year’s annual meeting, the Association hopes to take a major role in renovating Loon Lake Mountain firetower. Finally, we hope to have one or more history nights to discuss past decades at the lake.

An exciting development involves the creation of a LLHA website. One of our new members, Scott Muller is designing the web page for us. He is looking for photos, historical information to include in the page and can be reached at l.scott.muller@worldnet.att.net .

There are several news items of note from the Town of Franklin. At our request, the speed limit on Route 26, from the base of the hill approaching the Lake, through the Hamlet and through Inman has been reduced to 40 MPH. A committee has been formed to develop subdivision regulations for the Town. Finally, a Townwide property revaluation will be conducted as the Town seeks to update its assessment roll (we will closely monitor this process).

We are attaching a meeting notice, as well as the 2008 Dues statement. Please pay your dues promptly.

As we come out of our Winter hibernation, your Board is looking forward to working with you to improve and preserve Loon Lake- a place we all consider special. The Board will be meeting several times, most likely Memorial Day weekend, the day of the annual meeting, in late July, Labor Day weekend, and possibly Columbus Day weekend.

See you on the Lake!

Keith Silliman,

LLHA President
















Loon Lake Homeowners' Association

P.O. Box 219

Loon Lake, New York 12989

Membership and 2008 Annual Dues Form

Annual Dues: $30.00. Please mail a check payable to Loon Lake Homeowners Association, P.O. Box 219, Loon Lake, NY 12989, along with this form.

Camp Information (Camp Name _________________________)

Name(s) _____________________________________



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Loon Lake, New York 12989

Local Phone 518 – 891 - ___ ___ ____ ____

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